When establishing their Associate Networks, the National and Regional Coordinators are responsible for:

1.  Identifying appropriate HRA Associate Centres.
2.  Cooperating and communicating with the Associate Centres;
3.  Providing orientation for the Associate Centers; and
4.  Incorporating input from Associate Centers in feedback to HRA — including their outreach activities, statistics, and accomplishments — when requested.


An Associate Center is selected by the Membership Committee.

  1.      Specialty Associate member selection is based on the following criteria:

  •      Capacity to provide and/or coordinate human rights education community outreach to special target populations across the European community;
  •       Ability to cooperate and communicate with the HRA - Europe National Coordinator or Regional Coordinator affiliate;
  •       Ability to participate on or have reasonable access to the HRA-RC, the HRA ’s electronic communications system (available on the World Wide Web at http://www.humanrightsaction.eu). This includes having access to a computer equipped with Internet connection and Web browser capabilities; and
  •       Commitment to a philosophy consistent with the affiliate National Coordinator’s plan for human rights promotion and human rights education.

 2.      In accordance with these Guidelines, the Associate members are responsible for:

  •       Providing a variety of HRA-RC materials that are relevant to the Associate’s expertise;
  •       Making materials available/accessible to the Local Associate Center’s community;
  •       Making HRA materials, which are relevant to the expertise of the Associate Center, available/accessible to the Associate’s constituency at no profit;
  •       Actively promoting HRA-RC materials to the appropriate target audiences;
  •      Responding to requests for information through direct response (telephone, mail, e-mail, FAX, and walk-in) or referral to an affiliated HRA National/Regional Coordinator as appropriate;
  •       Accessing the HRA-RC, HRA ’s electronic communications system on a regular basis;
  •       Cooperating and communicating with the affiliate HRA - Europe National Coordinator;
  •    Participating in the earliest orientation training offered by HRA or the affiliate HRA - Europe National Coordinator;
  •       Providing feedback to the affiliate HRA National Coordinator or Regional Coordinators when requested;
  •       Providing and/or coordinating prevention outreach to special target populations across the communities at risk;
  •       Promoting a philosophy consistent with the affiliate National/Regional Coordinator’s Action plan; and
  •      Gathering relevant to the work of the network materials for youth work on creativity and innovation that have been successful in the Associate’s community and forwarding them through the affiliate HRA - Europe National/Regional Coordinator to HRA for review. The materials will be included in the  HRA European Resource Center – HRA-RC.


  • Access to HRA materials, scholarships and training opportunities;
  • Free Access to the HRA-RC, the HRA’s electronic communications system;
  • Other resources in the national Network;
  • To get information; and To share information;
  • Free Ev training opportunities; and
  • Access to HRA scholarships and micro-funding.

1.      Applications for membership are available from the HRA Membership Committee or the HRA Development Center.  They are also published at the website of HRA: http://www.humanrightsaction.eu 
2.      The applicant submits the completed Application Form and a letter of support on letterhead from the community they serve or a well known in the community active organisation (other than the current HRA Centers) to the Membership Committee of HRA. Applications will be reviewed and commented on within 30 days.
3.      The Membership Committee of HRA reviews and approves the application package to ensure all components are included. If the package is not complete, the Membership Committee will contact the National Coordinator for assistance in gathering the missing components.
4.      Once approved, the Membership Committee sends a letter and supporting materials directly to the new Associate Center. A copy of the welcome letter also is sent to the affiliated National Coordinator for their records. If the application is not approved, the Membership Committee notifies the affiliated National Coordinator stating where the applicant failed to meet the criteria.
5.      A National or Regional Coordinator may propose to the Membership Committee a cancellation of an Associate Membership within 30 days if, after technical assistance or counseling, the Associate Center cannot meet the criteria.
An Associate Center has the right to resign their Membership by way of written notice to the International Steering Committee of HRA.


To provide a consistent level of service among Network

members to the public, each National Coordinator, 

Regional Coordinator and Associate Network Center

should possess or have reasonable access to:

1.  A telephone and mailing address for requesters to contact them for information;
2.  A display area for materials and a reading room (dependent on the Center’s capabilities);
3.  Adequate storage space for bulk quantities of materials (can be provided by another organisation);
4.  A projector and/or TV monitor;
5.  Online databases and Internet (e.g., through universities or libraries);
6.  At least 3 personal computers equipped with Internet connection and Web browser, printer, associated software, back-up disks, and other computer supplies.


The schema explains the working relationships among all parties involved with the HRA.
The two main areas of responsibility reflected below are policy and function.

The primary responsibility of HRA Associate Centers is to focus on function, not policy. If policy changes are needed, the appropriate channels to follow are as follows:

  • Associates work with their National or Regional Coordinator.
  • National Coordinators and Regional Coordinators work with the HRA Development Center.
  • The HRA Development Center receives input from the HRA International Steering Committee. The HRA Executive Board works on the resolution of policy issues.
  • The HRA Associate Centers communicate directly with HRA on functional issues and their input on policy goes to HRA through the International Steering Committee.


HRA - Europe