Applicants for membership shall complete the prescribed application forms and provide such additional information as may be requested by the Membership Committee.
Such information shall remain confidential except for the minimum information which is required to be entered on the HRA Network Register of members or published in any Directory of HRA Network members.
Applicants to membership shall agree to be bound by the HRA Networks`s Code of Conduct.
Applications shall be considered promptly by the HRA Network`s Membership Committee which may by unanimous vote accept or reject an applicant. If a decision is not unanimous the question shall be referred to the Executive Board for a decision. The Membership Committee may request additional information from the applicant or seek community references before making a decision.
Applications shall be acknowledged promptly and decisions advised to the applicant without delay.
Benefits of membership shall not be awarded until the fees due have been paid.
Membership Application Forms
- Full Member: “National Coordinator”, “Regional Coordinator”
Download the Application Form for “National Coordinator” or “Regional Coordinator” of HRA Network
- Associate Member: “Associate Center”
Download the Application Form for “Associate Center” of HRA Network
- Individual Member: “Expert”
Download the Application Form for “Individual Member” of HRA Network
- Subscriber
Subscribe to the HRA Network newsletter.Your comments or questions are welcome