Civic Technology represents a unique opportunity to realise the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for improving democratic participation. The civic technology ecosystem includes civil society organiSations, civic hackers, citizen movements, social investors, technology companies, and leaders from the government, universities, and the media

Citizen participation in the co-governance of public goods is limited by factors such as distance, time constraints, or personal and work commitments. Civic technology encourages citizen mobilisation by promoting online participation channels that complement and strengthen in-person engagement. Collaborative processes themselves are an innovative political and democratic practice that promotes citizen participation and input on public policies, both online and offline. 

​The use and promotion of civic technology contributes to a more inclusive, resident-focused local co-governance model and builds ecosystems rich in creativity and innovation, thanks to the diversity of leaders and perspectives. This strengthens political innovation and makes communities more sustainable and resilient. 


​The European Youth Civic Tech Innovation Network (EYCTIN) is an idea for a long-term European youth project, envisioned a European Youth Network that will act as a Community of Practice  and a learning network for young people with an interest and commitment to leveraging the nexus between technology and youth civic activism.

Hans Martens and Renee Hobbs from the Visual Studies & Media Culture Research Group in the University of Antwerp, Belgium point out that civic tech activism supports media and digital literacy.  In EYCTIN we plan to develop a European youth civic tech community of practice and support young people to better leverage tech for civic engagement and accountability.

The first couple of years of activities for the EYCTIN are envisioned to:

  • host a series of peer-to-peer learning events structured around relevant themes, e.g., ‘open government,’ ‘media literacy’, ‘digital literacy,’ and ‘AI’.
  • publish an online magazine and website to document and share learnings more publicly, ensure regular communication amongst participants;
  • stimulate productive partnerships and maintain and sense of community via online, blended and residential networking events.

We believe that this is a new and innovative network that will promote a collaborative youth work on relatively new topics. EYCTIN is about bringing youth organisations together to form thematic working groups and discuss common topics relevant to the European civic tech ecosystem.

The topics we plan to focus on include: Media Literacy and Disinformation, Digital Civic Engagement, Good Governance. We will debate on how can we guide our efforts toward young citizens being decision-makers and, more importantly, for them to participate in the design of initiatives and public policies that impact their lives; how can technology facilitate citizen engagement and good governance and how can we replicate the good practices implemented in South Africa, USA or Canada.

EYCTIN addresses and actively involves European young people in civic engagement and digital participation. This is an opportunity to them to connect with not only each other, but with other organisations working on similar topics, such as youth workers, civic tech practitioners, grass-root organiSations, governmental institutions, and academics that provide expertise to civic tech projects.